We have various techniques to communicate your message on our tin can packaging. Depending on your choice of colours and on the size of the print runs we can print the can directly or we apply a label.
The most commonly used method for printing tin can packaging is the offset technique. The minimum print orders are relatively high (starting from approx. 10-15 pallets). Direct printing on tin plate can offer quality advantages over labelling.
On request of many of our customers we expanded our printing services with labelling. This service offers the possibility of a decorated packaging for all can sizes in even smaller batches (starting from approx. 250 pcs). Our high-grade quality of labelling makes it hard to distinguish it from direct printing. The labelling service is very flexible and the effects of the used materials are very diverse. We will even serve you with one mock-up when needed.

A combination of printing and labelling can also be an effective and appealing design for your packaging. For example a generic print with an incorporated label that differentiates high-gloss or matt lacquer. With minor resources you can present a mature product line.